Monday, September 16, 2013

Colours and Chair rebirth

So in my previous post i updated everyone on the sewing machine mostly. That is my main focus at this point due to it being the work horse behind this whole adventure, besides me of course but i am not a horse!
Anyway on the side i have been doing little things including looking into rip line rope which has caused a few heated discussions with my friend Mark Mitchell in Australia which is also building his first home built. I have been looking into a variety of options and have found the rope that is the right colour, high break strength (1900kg) and feels good in the hand. 

Another of these little projects was converting a $10 sewing seat into a home for my bottom. The huge upside of this little project was it cost me nothing! I have used various spare bits laying around the house e.g some Cordura fabric i bought about a year ago. I stripped the old cover off and handed it off the my lovely girlfriend which took charge of the cutting. I sewed it back together thanks to mums sewing machine, some knowledge i gained from the compulsory sewing class at middle school became very handy.

After some added padding and a polish she is good to go! It doesn't look to bad considering i added the extra padding and cut the pattern based on the old padding not to add my lack of sewing ability! oh well thanks to the holding power of staples its scrubbed up nicely.

The next small job which has turned out to be a huge nightmare is the colour selection. One of the huge benefits to getting fabric manufactured for you is the ability to pick your own colours which depending on how you ask it can be very troublesome. The supplier we get our fabric from allows us to pick any Pantone colour which caused issues with my colours because sadly my key colour didn't match any Pantone colours  however the fabric manufacturer  is allowing me to send a sample of the colour i required. Due to the colour being only present on my monitor it was inaccurate and a physical sample would be needed.

So after a stoke of luck we found all the colours close enough to what i wanted at the paint shop. So with that problem coming to a close i have no issues regarding the actual order of fabric except my old friend $$.
So in conclusion it is back to work for me and a 2 minute noodle diet for a month or so until i can raise the other half of the money.

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